Cross campus registration

Cross campus registration is intended for UBC Okanagan undergraduate students interested in taking some courses at the Vancouver campus.

Cross campus registration is not for students who are looking to switch or transfer to a Vancouver degree program. Students wishing to transfer campuses completely should apply for a change in campus/faculty through the Applicant Service Centre (ASC).

Undergraduate students interested in taking courses at another university should consult the Academic Calendar for information on Letters of Permission. You may also consider looking at summer and off-campus study options.

Graduate students looking to take courses on the Vancouver campus should visit the College of Graduate Studies for more information and forms.


To be considered for registration at the Vancouver campus, Okanagan undergraduate students must have:

  • completed a minimum of 24 credits at UBC (with grades) before submitting a request.
  • not failed a course in the most recent 24 credits.
  • not exceeded the maximum of 15 cross campus credits.
  • (to take arts or science courses), a minimum overall average of 68% on the most recent 24 credits taken, with a minimum of 60% in the pre-requisites.

Applications to register for courses outside of arts and science will be considered on case by case basis by the governing UBC Vancouver faculty or school.

Registration for Cross Campus Registration coursework will begin on the Visiting Student registration date at UBC Vancouver.

Registration dates at UBC Vancouver

How to register for a course at UBC Vancouver

You cannot register yourself in cross campus courses using the SSC or Workday. To apply to register in a course at UBC Vancouver, complete these steps:

1. Meet with an academic advisor to review your request

Meet with an Academic Advisor to find courses that will work toward your degree requirements.

2. Submit a cross campus registration request

Complete the cross campus registration request before the application deadline.

April 15: deadline for Summer Session (Term 1 and Term 2 courses)
August 15: deadline for Winter Session (Term 1 and Term 2 courses)

Your advisor will review and approve the course(s) on your request form and then forward your application to the appropriate faculty on the Vancouver campus for review.

3. await approval from the appropriate faculty at UBC Vancouver

If your cross campus registration request is approved, Enrolment Services staff at UBC Vancouver will register you for the course on the date assigned for cross campus registration. It will be different from the date and time assigned for your Okanagan degree program, and is usually the registration date for visiting students.

4. Receive notification of your registration outcome

You will receive an email notification informing you of the outcome of your registration. Registration is subject to the availability of seats in the course at the time of registration. If the course is full, you will not be registered.

It is a good idea to register in a UBC Okanagan course as a backup option in case your desired UBCV courses are full or cannot be accommodated.

Having problems completing the form?

If you are not able to submit the form, contact an Academic Advisor to review the request and scan approved forms to cross campus for processing.

Additional information


The Alma Mater Society (AMS) student government on the Vancouver campus may require you to pay a membership fee plus the mandatory UPASS for the period of time that you are participating in cross campus. Students are advised to check their Student Service Centre (SSC) Fee Assessment and to speak with the AMS or the UBCSUO if they have any questions regarding the assessed UPASS fees on their record.

Studying cross campus is an option, but not a guarantee

Faculties on both campuses reserve the right to decline a request if the course is in high demand or if an equivalent course is available at the student’s home campus in either the Summer or Winter Session.

Each faculty on the Vancouver campus will review and approve requests individually; therefore, you may be approved for some courses and not others.

Some departments in the Faculty of Arts on the Vancouver campus limit enrolment in some courses or all courses due to the high demand for the courses from students on the Vancouver campus.

If registration has already started, check the course schedule to see how many seats are remaining in the courses you are requesting. Courses that are full or very close to full may have a greater likelihood of not being approved for cross campus.