Spiritual & Multi-faith Services

spiritual yoga pose

Spirituality and faith are means by which a person may find the core of their being, their values, and the big picture. Spirituality is as important to student health as regular exercise and good eating habits. The student-driven model for spiritual wellness at UBC Okanagan is inclusive of the rich diversity of campus interests and reflective of the vision of UBC as a “Place of Mind”.  

The Spiritual & Multi-Faith Space in the University Centre was created to welcome the diverse spiritual and multi-faith practices of the UBC Okanagan campus community. 

The Spiritual & Multi-Faith Space is located in the University Centre (UNC 316) and is available for use Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 9 pm.  

The absence of any particular religious iconography or symbols sets a comfortable, neutral tone so students, faculty, and staff can express their spirituality and faith in a relaxed and private setting. The room can be used for a variety of spiritual and religious practices, including: 

  • group or individual prayer 
  • meditation and contemplation 
  • group studies on spiritual or religious topics 
  • conversation with other students or a spiritual mentor 

If you would like to use the space, please remember to: 

  • respect the space: leave the room as you found it 
  • respect the beliefs of others: do not criticize the beliefs of others nor force your beliefs onto others 

A booking calendar for the room will soon become available.  For more information on the Spiritual & Multi-Faith Space contact healthwellness.okanagan@ubc.ca.

Multifaith Calendar of Religious Days

The University of British Columbia values and respects the diversity of its community. Within this diversity is a wide range of spiritual and religious beliefs and traditions.

This Multi-faith Calendar is a helpful resource that identifies a non-exhaustive list of religious days that members of our community—depending on their own religious beliefs, traditions, and practices—may commonly request a religious accommodation.

View the Multi-faith calendar

Learn more about the Multifaith Calendar and religious accommodations (PDF)

UBCO spiritual and religious student clubs

Spiritual and religious student clubs are places where students can belong to a community where they can meet friends and people of their faith and explore life’s big questions.

Muslim Student Association

Power to Change (Christian)

UCM (Christian)

Multi-faith chaplaincy 

Chaplains are individuals who represent a religious or spiritual tradition in an official way. Although they are not UBC employees, chaplains are an important spiritual resource for students, offering conversations about faith, guidance and teaching, and opportunities for spiritual and religious observance and celebrations.

Coordinating Chaplain
Rev. Dr. Todd Statham

Melissa Berry Appleton

Christianity (Christian Reformed)
Rev. Dr. Todd Statham

Christianity (Pentecostal)
Rev. James Perreaux

Rabbi Tom Samuels

Note: additional religious representatives will be added to the chaplaincy program. Check back for updates.