Student Learning Hub

Your one-stop-shop for free and flexible learning supports and resources.

The Student Learning Hub is for everyone and our services are free. We invite UBCO students from all disciplines and year levels to access a range of supports from peers and professionals that include tutoring in math, sciences, languages, and writing, as well as help with study skills and learning strategies. Visit us early and often to build the skills, strategies, and behaviours that are essential to being a confident and independent learner.

Service Updates:

  • Subject tutor appointments & Supplemental Learning resume September 11
  • Writing & language appointments resume September 23

QReserve Login

View schedules and make reservations for a number of our services with just one account!

Login to QReserve

If you experience issues using the link above, try instead. You may need to select the Sign In With Partner option to login with your CWL. Check out our QReserve guide for detailed instructions on creating your account.

Worried QReserve might be down? Check the status of QReserve 

First time user? Need help?

Using the Login to QReserve link is the easiest way to create your QReserve account with the fewest steps!

You can also view our QReserve guide for instructions on creating your account, viewing schedules, and making, viewing, editing, and cancelling your reservations.

If you have issues using QReserve or would like help creating your account/booking an appointment, reach out to—we’re always happy to help!

We want to hear from you!

Did you have a great experience? Support not available when you need it?

Whatever the case, let us know! We welcome all feedback about our tutoring services. To share, email or submit your feedback anonymously.