Student loans & grants

Student loans are government-funded repayable financial assistance. This funding is intended to help students finance their post-secondary education. Your eligibility is determined by a standard means test developed by the federal and provincial governments. While you pursue post-secondary studies on a full-time basis, the government subsidizes the interest on your loan.

To obtain a loan, apply directly to the government assistance provider in your home province. This is a one-stop process that considers your eligibility for federal and provincial loans and grants. If you apply for a loan, you are held responsible for understanding how your province’s program works, so read their information carefully.

To receive a loan or to establish interest-free status, you must maintain the required course load. This is very important, as dropping below this threshold can mean early repayment and loss of funding.

Students should apply for the Winter session as soon as their Provider’s loan application opens in order to receive funding in time for September.

Automatic tuition deferral: Eligible graduate and undergraduate students will have fees deferred for one month after the tuition fee deadline in September or January. Deferrals don’t apply to registration deposits.

You are eligible for automatic tuition deferral if you meet both requirements:

  • You apply for full-time student loans by July 31.
  • You are eligible for funding to pay your tuition and fees.

Check your deferral on Workday: You can check that your deferral has been processed in late-August under the Finances app in Workday.

Students are required to apply for student loans through their province of residence. For information on this, visit determining province of residency.

For more student loan information relevant to you, see below: