Confirmation of Enrolment Letter

A Confirmation of Enrolment Letter—also known as a Proof of Enrolment or Verification of Enrolment—is an official document showing that you are currently registered at UBC. The Confirmation of Enrolment may be requested for a Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) withdrawal, employment, or scholarships.

Examples: Heritage Education Trust, Children’s Education Funds, Knowledge First Canadian Scholarship Trust


In Workday, you can generate and download a Confirmation of Enrolment Letter for a previous or current academic year, starting with the 2024 Winter session.

View the step-by-step instructions on downloading a Confirmation of Enrolment Letter on Workday.

Confirmation of Enrolment Letters reflect the number of registered credits you are or were registered in for a given academic session. If you haven’t registered for any courses for the upcoming academic term, or you’re currently registered in a Co-op term, your Confirmation of Enrolment Letter will list “0 registered credits”.

The Confirmation of Enrolment Letter available on Workday is a legal UBC document.