Auditing courses

An auditor is a student who is taking a course without seeking a grade or credit for the course.

Students usually audit courses for self-interest and academic exploration. In general, if you’re auditing a course you’ll be expected to complete all course requirements except the final exam, and your transcript will show a statement of audit for the course. If the performance is not satisfactory, a Failed (F) standing in the course may be given. Read more about auditing courses in the Academic Calendar.

If you choose to audit a course, you will still be assessed regular tuition and mandatory student fees. Read more about auditing courses in the Academic Calendar.

How to register as an auditor

To audit a course, you first need to be admitted as an undergraduate, graduate, or non-degree student. Once admitted, you need approval to audit a course. Each school and faculty’s approval process will vary.  Please contact the school or faculty offering the course(s) you would like to audit to learn more.