Become a Notetaker

The Disability Resource Centre (DRC) is looking for committed notetakers to provide thorough and comprehensive notes for students who are registered with the DRC. Notetakers are paid a stipend for their notes over the duration of the term per 3-credit course.  This pay is for the time spent outside of class proofreading and editing the notes so that they are clear for the recipient prior to uploading.

Peer Notetaker Responsibilities

  • Take accurate, complete, comprehensive, and legible notes for every in-person, asynchronous and synchronous lecture.
  • Notes for all lectures must be typed with the exception of formulas, graphs and diagrams.
  • Notes must be uploaded to the Notetaker Module within 24 hours of the lecture.
  • Begin uploading notes within one day of your hire date (or start of term).
  • Upload notes from previous lectures if hired after the term has commenced.
  • Contact a classmate for supplementary notes in the event of a missed lecture.
  • Address concerns or problems with the Notetaker Administrator as they arise.

Benefits of notetaking:

  • Paid position
  • Valuable experience for your resume
  • Notetakers report that their notes and grades improve while in this position

How to apply

  1. Review the table below to see if the DRC is seeking a notetaker for your course(s).
  2. Complete the application form. Only fully complete applications will be considered.
  3. Direct any questions to
  4. The Notetaker Administrator will contact you directly if you are selected to become a notetaker.

Note: The DRC does not hire notetakers for labs, tutorials, workshops, seminars, research projects, or practicums.

Apply now



Position availability

*This table was last updated on February 1, 2024.

2023-2024 Winter Term 2 Courses

Course Status
ANTH 100 LEC (101) Hired
ANTH 103 LEC (101) Pending
ANTH 277 LEC (001) Pending
ANTH 345 LEC (001) Pending
ANTH 354 LEC (101) Hired
ANTH 414 LEC (001) Hired
ANTH 427 LEC (001) Hired
ANTH 445 LEC (001) Pending
ANTH 474 LEC (101) Hired
APSC 173 LEC (202) Hired
APSC 181 LEC (201) Hired
ARTH 203 LEC (001) Hired
ARTH 396 LEC (001) Hired
ARTH 420 LEC (001) Hired
BIOC 309 LEC (101) Hired
BIOC 407 LEC (101) Hired
BIOL 125 LEC (101) Hired
BIOL 125 LEC (102) Hired
BIOL 200 LEC (101) Hired
BIOL 201 LEC (101) Hired
BIOL 210 LEC (001) Pending
BIOL 265 LEC (101) Hired
BIOL 301 LEC (101) Hired
BIOL 306 LEC (101) Hired
BIOL 318 LEC (002) Hired
BIOL 319 LEC (101) Hired
BIOL 363 LEC (101) Hired
BIOL 422 LEC (101) Hired
CHEM 123 LEC (001) Hired
CHEM 123 LEC (002) Hired
CHEM 201 LEC (001) Pending
CHEM 204 LEC (001) Hired
CHEM 214 LEC (001) Hired
CORH 216 LEC (101) Hired
COSC 101 LEC (101) Hired
COSC 121 LEC (101) Hired
COSC 322 LEC (101) Pending
COSC 328 LEC (001) Pending
COSC 414 LEC (001) Pending
CRWR 160 LEC (101) Pending
CULT 101 LEC (103) Hired
CULT 215 LEC (001) Hired
CULT 272 LEC (001) Hired
CULT 346 LEC (101) Pending
CULT 351 LEC (001) Hired
CULT 490F LEC (001) Pending
DATA 301 LEC (101) Hired
ECON 101 LEC (101) Hired
ECON 102 LEC (101) Hired
ECON 225 LEC (101) Hired
ECON 339 LEC (101) Pending
ECON 355 LEC (101) Pending
ECON 370 LEC (101) Pending
EDUC 100 LEC (102) Hired
EESC 212 LEC (101) Pending
ENGL 212 LEC (101) Hired
ENGL 221 LEC (102) Hired
ENGL 395D LEC (101) Hired
ENGR 330 LEC (201) Pending
ENGR 340 LEC (101) Pending
ENGR 445 LEC (201) Pending
FREN 104 LEC (001) Pending
GEOG 128 LEC (101) Pending
GEOG 129 LEC (101) Hired
GEOG 129 LEC (102) Pending
GEOG 217 LEC (001) Pending
GWST 100 LEC (002) Hired
GWST 110 LEC (101) Hired
GWST 334 LEC (101) Pending
GWST 430 LEC (001) Pending
GWST 495V LEC (001) Pending
HEAL 101 LEC (001) Hired
HES 102 LEC (001) Hired
HES 105 LEC (002) Hired
HES 111 LEC (001) Hired
HES 201 LEC (002) Hired
HES 212 LEC (001) Hired
HES 321 LEC (001) Hired
HES 336 LEC (001) Hired
HES 340 LEC (001) Hired
HES 454 LEC (001) Pending
HES 480 LEC (001) Pending
HES 483 LEC (001) Pending
HES 490B IND (002) Pending
HINT 320 LEC (003) Hired
HIST 112 LEC (101) Hired
HIST 145 LEC (101) Hired
HIST 301 LEC (101) Hired
HIST 307 LEC (101) Hired
INDG 100 LEC (101) Hired
INDG 100 LEC (102) Pending
INDG 306 LEC (001) Pending
INDG 309 LEC (001) Pending
JPST 215 LEC (001) Pending
MATH 101 LEC (102) Hired
MATH 101 LEC (103) Hired
MATH 116 LEC (101) Hired
MGMT 100 LEC (101) Hired
MGMT 110 LEC (102) Hired
MGMT 202 LEC (101) Hired
MGMT 220 LEC (101) Hired
MGMT 240 LEC (001) Hired
MGMT 250 LEC (101) Pending
MGMT 380 LEC (101) Hired
MGMT 414 LEC (101) Hired
MGMT 421 LEC (101) Hired
MGMT 422 LEC (001) Hired
MGMT 441 LEC (001) Pending
MGMT 449A LEC (101) Hired
MGMT 450 LEC (101) Pending
MGMT 480 LEC (001) Hired
NRSG 202 SEM (001) Pending
NRSG 202 SEM (002) Pending
NRSG 220 LEC (001) Hired
NRSG 220 LEC (002) Pending
NRSG 223 LEC (001) Hired
NRSG 227 LEC (001) Pending
NRSG 227 LEC (002) Pending
NRSG 229 LEC (002) Hired
PHIL 111 LEC (101) Pending
PHIL 235 LEC (101) Hired
PHIL 437 LEC (101) Pending
PHIL 451 LEC (101) Pending
PHYS 122 LEC (101) Hired
PHYS 122 LEC (102) Hired
POLI 221 LEC (101) Pending
POLI 303 LEC (001) Pending
POLI 354 LEC (001) Hired
POLI 372 LEC (101) Pending
POLI 382 LEC (101) Pending
POLI 402 LEC (101) Pending
PSYO 111 LEC (102) Hired
PSYO 121 LEC (101) Hired
PSYO 220 LEC (102) Hired
PSYO 241 LEC (101) Hired
PSYO 271 LEC (101) Pending
PSYO 271 LEC (102) Pending
PSYO 311 LEC (001) Pending
PSYO 314 LEC (001) Pending
PSYO 321 LEC (001) Hired
PSYO 335 LEC (001) Hired
PSYO 343 LEC (001) Pending
PSYO 348 LEC (101) Pending
PSYO 349 LEC (102) Pending
PSYO 354 LEC (101) Pending
PSYO 356 LEC (001) Hired
PSYO 480A LEC (001) Pending
PSYO 480B LEC (001) Pending
SOCI 111 LEC (102) Hired
SOCI 246 LEC (101) Hired
SOCI 377 LEC (101) Pending
SOCI 432 LEC (101) Hired
SOCI 465 LEC (101) Hired
STAT 230 LEC (101) Pending
WRLD 150 LEC (101) Pending
WRLD 159 LEC (001) Pending
WRLD 310 LEC (001) Pending
WRLD 399N LEC (001) Pending