Alternate format for course materials

Alternate format materials provide students with print disabilities access to academic materials. Eligibility for these materials is determined on your documented need. Examples of alternate format materials are:

  • Accessible PDF
  • Digital audio
  • Electronic text (e-text)
  • Braille
  • Large print texts


Alternate format policies and expectations

  • Our alternate format procedures are guided by copyright requirements to ensure that we do not compromise service.
  • The course syllabus is required so that the AF Services staff can produce materials in priority sequencing. Incomplete requests will delay the production of the materials. You are responsible for providing all of the necessary information and materials.
  • Contact the Disability Resource Centre to set up an appointment with an advisor if you wish to request access to alternate format materials. In keeping with the DRC guidelines and in accordance with the Canadian Copyright Act, the advisor reviews your disability documentation to determine accommodations. If you are new to UBC, you should meet with an Accessibility Advisor 6-8 weeks before the start of the term.

How to request alternate format materials

Once you have been given eligibility for alternate format materials by your Accessibility Advisor, you will submit an online Alternate Format Request Form for each item you need in alternate format. The form is found by logging into the Student Portal and clicking into the Online Forms Module. On that form you will be asked to provide detailed information about the course reading, upload jpeg or PDF copies of the receipt and other files. This form provides the needed information to the Alternate Format team. If you have any questions about this process please contact your Accessibility Advisor.