UBCO Testing Services

The Testing Services program ended on April 30, 2024. After this date, all non-accommodated exams at UBCO will be handled by the faculties.

If you would like to provide feedback about your experience with the Testing Services program, please submit it to us here.

Learning Services in the Office of the Provost and the Disability Resource Centre (DRC) are piloting a program in 2022/23 (extended to April 2024!) that will expand the level of support for invigilation at UBC Okanagan and coordinate services under the Disability Resource Centre (DRC).

The Disability Resource Centre (DRC) has extensive experience in providing invigilation services for students who qualify for alternate exam formats and has worked closely with faculty regarding the invigilation of online and in-person exams requiring accommodations. Leveraging this experience and expanding on the scope and nature of invigilation support within this department will utilize existing expertise, fill service gaps, and provide a centralized connection point for exam invigilation at UBC Okanagan for both faculty and students.

The scope of UBCO Testing Services:

  1. Supplemental support for the invigilation of online exams based on faculty request (previously operated out of the Provost’s Office)
  2. Coordination of invigilation in the Gym during final exams as needed (previously provided by Enrolment Services)
  3. Invigilation of out-of-time and standing deferred exams for non-DRC-registered students upon faculty request
  4. Invigilation of external fee-for-service exams (previously provided by Enrolment Services)


Note: Testing Services is unable to provide computers and computer spaces for exam invigilation at this time. If students need computer access for their exams they will be required to bring their own computers.

To request invigilation support, please click one of the buttons below.

Note: If the student you are booking for is registered with the DRC, you will need to make the exam booking by contacting drc.exams@ubc.ca instead of using this request form.

IMPORTANT: Submitting a booking does not mean your request has been confirmed. An Exam Coordinator will follow up with you once your exam booking has been confirmed.

Important Information About Exam Bookings:

To request invigilation support with an exam you will need to complete a booking request form (buttons in the section above).

If you have more than one exam requiring support, please fill out a new form for each exam. After the submission of this form you will be contacted by an Exam Coordinator within two business days about finalizing your request. If you have further questions about the process or are confused about the form, please contact our Exam Coordinator at testingservices.ok@ubc.ca

Important Timelines:

Distance and External Exams must be booked at least 7 calendar days prior to the proposed exam date.

Internal Standing Deferred and Out-of-Time Exams must be booked at least 2 business days prior to the proposed exam date. For internal exam bookings, if the student you are booking for is registered with the DRC, you will need to make the exam booking by contacting drc.exams@ubc.ca. If the exam request is for a group over 30 students we may require more time to ensure we can accommodate the booking.

Internal Large Group Exams (Online or Gym) must be booked at least 7 calendar days prior to the proposed exam date.

Internal (UBCO) Exams

  • No fee.
External Exams: Individual

  • Flat rate of $95.00 per individual student for two hours*
  • $40 for every additional hour (after the first two hours)
External Exams: Institutional Group

  • Base rate of $95.00 which includes one invigilator for a maximum of two hours*
  • $40 for every additional hour (after the first two hours) per invigilator
  • When completing an exam booking request, you will be asked to specify the number of invigilators the exam will require. Our office suggests one invigilator for up to 40 students, and two invigilators for up to 80 students.
  • For bookings with 41+ students, please contact us for pricing.  Additional charges may apply depending on additional resources required.

*Two hours is our minimum booking length.


Payment Options:

There are two options for payment method:

  • Option 1: Online Payment by Credit Card or Interac Debit
  • Option 2: In-Person Payment by Cash or Cheque at the Disability Resource Centre (DRC)

Once your invigilation request has been processed you will be contacted with more information regarding payment methods. IMPORTANT: Payment must be received 1 hour prior to your exam start time. Our invigilators will not accept payment.

Cancellation received with at least 2 full business days’ (48 hours) notice:

  • Full refund (minus a $50 admin fee).


Cancellation received with less than 2 full business days’ notice:

  • No refund.

UBCO Testing Services is located in the University Centre Building at the University of British Columbia Okanagan campus. For a more information regarding our location, please see our Campus Map.


If you require documents to be mailed to our location, please use the following address:

UBCO Testing Services

The Disability Resource Centre

UNC 215 – 3272 University Way,

Kelowna, BC, V1V 1V7, Canada


For more information about parking on campus, please see our Parking Services webpage here.

What types of exams does UBCO Testing Services assist with?

UBC Okanagan Internal Exams

  • Supplemental exam invigilators for an online exam
  • Invigilation for a rescheduled exam, out-of-time exam, or standing deferred exam

External or Distance Exams

  • Licensing exams
  • Fee-for-service exams

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Who will be invigilating the exams?

UBCO Testing Services has graduate student staff members that are trained to invigilate exams. Exam Coordinators are also available to troubleshoot and assist during scheduled exams.

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What are the hours invigilation is offered?

Distance and External Exams must be booked at least 7 calendar days prior to the proposed exam date. It is suggested that exams are scheduled during the following regular business hours:

  • Monday – Friday from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm

Exams that require scheduling outside of these hours and days of the week will be considered on a case by case basis and are dependent on room availability.

Internal Standing Deferred and Out-of-Time Exams must be booked at least 2 business days prior to the proposed exam date. It is suggested that instructors schedule these exams during the following blocked times:

  • Tuesday: 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
  • Thursday: 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
  • Saturday: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm

Exams that require scheduling outside of these hours and days of the week will be considered case-by-case and depend on room availability.

Internal Large Group Exams (Online or Gym) must be booked at least 7 calendar days prior to the proposed exam date.

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Is there a minimum or maximum number of students required for invigilation?

A request can be made for a single student and/or a group exam sitting. The maximum seating capacity depends on what rooms are available during the day(s) requested. To ensure the required seating accommodations can be made, please reach out to testingservices.ok@ubc.ca with the number of expected seats required for the exam, the exam format, the duration, and the date.

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Where will the invigilation be hosted?

Invigilation location will be based on the room availability, the exam requirements, as well as the number of seats required. Most exams will be hosted in classrooms on UBC Okanagan’s campus. If the exam will be written online but invigilated in-person classrooms will be picked specifically to accommodate the needs of this type of exam. Information on the room location will be provided to the student one business day prior to the exam. A Campus Map is available for reference.

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What to expect once you have submitted your booking request


  1. Request made for invigilation services.
  2. Confirmation email from an Exam Coordinator within (2 business days) that your exam is successfully scheduled. If anything else is required, Exam Coordinator will reach out with a follow-up inquiry.
  3. Once the exam is successfully scheduled the student will receive a confirmation email. If payment is required the student will be contacted with a payment request. Payment must be made at least 1 hour prior to the exam. See the section labelled “how do I pay for these services?’ for more information.
  4. One business day before the exam the student will be emailed with the information regarding their exam location, timing of their exam, and extra information required for the exam.

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Who do I contact if there has been a change? (e.g., exam time, students writing, exam, format, etc.)

If there are any changes to the exam, or to the students writing the exam, please contact testingservices.ok@ubc.ca as soon as possible to ensure these changes can be made.

IMPORTANT: any changes made within 24 hours of the exam may not be properly incorporated into the exam sitting.

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What is academic misconduct and how is academic misconduct reported?

Students are responsible for informing themselves of the guidelines of acceptable and unacceptable conduct for exams established by their instructors and institutions for specific courses. Academic misconduct that is subject to disciplinary measures includes, but is not limited to, engaging in, attempting to engage in, or assisting others to engage in any of the actions described below.

Cheating, which may include, but is not limited to:

  1. falsification of any material subject to academic evaluation, including research data;
  2. use of or participation in unauthorized collaborative work;
  3. use or possession in an examination of any materials (including devices) other than those permitted by the examiner;
  4. use, possession, or facilitation of unauthorized means to complete an examination (e.g., receiving unauthorized assistance from another person, or providing that assistance); and
  5. dishonest practices that breach rules governing examinations or submissions for academic evaluation.

All academic misconduct will be documented and reported directly to the institution.

Resources for UBC students (Vancouver and Okanagan):

Student conduct during examinations

Academic misconduct


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How are exams returned to instructors (internal)?

We require instructors to pick-up their exams at the Disability Resource Centre (UNC 215). Exams may only be picked up during regularly scheduled business hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm (PST). Instructors are only authorized to pick up completed tests for their own course, unless Testing Services have been notified by email that a designated other is authorized to do the pick-up on their behalf.

A TA or designate may pick up the exam on behalf of the instructor. All exam pick-ups require an ID check and everyone must sign out the exam they are picking up. If picking up multiple exams they will need to sign for each exam.

If the instructor is unable to pick up their exam, for example they are not in Kelowna, Testing Services can scan and share the exam by a secure file share (e.g. OneDrive) to the instructor. The instructor will be required to pick up the physical exam once they are able.

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How are exams returned (external)?

At the time of submitting your request, please indicate how you would like the exam to be returned. If you have further questions, email testingservices.ok@ubc.ca.


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