Requirements to Retain a Scholarship
To retain an undergraduate scholarship and other academic awards, students normally are expected to be registered in 24 credits for the Winter Session (September – April) in which the scholarship and/or academic award is being awarded.
Students registered in fewer than 24 credits in their final year of study may retain a scholarship and/or be eligible for a prize or other year-end award if their faculty or school confirms this number of credits is sufficient for graduation. In this case, a scholarship may be presented.
A recipient of an award may retain the honour of an award but resign the monetary value. Any funds thus made available will be used for additional awards.
Unless otherwise stated, awards are tenable only at UBC and are open to students studying in the Winter Session (September – April) only.
Scholarships and other academic awards awarded for achievement in a specific faculty or discipline, or intended for students studying in a particular program are normally conditional upon the recipient continuing studies in the same discipline or program during the following year. A program change to an ineligible faculty or discipline will usually result in reassignment of the award to another student.
Requirements to retain a bursary
Bursaries are awarded on the basis of financial need, in accordance with Policy LR10, Access to the University of British Columbia.
To retain a bursary, students must be registered in at least 60% of a full-time course load and must continue to be eligible for their government student loan. Check our course load requirement for student loans and grants.