Events & workshops

In addition to tutoring services, the Student Learning Hub offers extracurricular experiences to support your learning—all of which are free.

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Exam Jam

Exam Jam Tuesday April 8

Peers and pros from the Student Learning Hub have put together a series of online and in-person sessions to help you prepare for final exams.

Exam Jam is an all-day event aimed to help you de-stress, manage your time, develop productive study habits, and learn course content. You can pick and choose activities from a variety of sessions.  

If you want to avoid stress, stay focused, and get energized for your finals, join us on Tuesday, April 8! Attend one, two, three, or all of our sessions—it’s up to you.   

Download the schedule below!

Back to Basics

Information for Back to Basics

Coming Summer 2025

Get ready for university learning with Back to Basics!

You can access recordings of past sessions below or meet with subject tutors and writing consultants to get a jumpstart on assignments and ask questions.

Recordings of past sessions are available! These sessions will help you gain confidence in core concepts, build a solid academic foundation, and develop skills to succeed at UBC.

Back to Basics recordings

Academic Integrity Digital Poster Contest Winners

Sitting on a background of blue swirls, there is a series of 7 boxes containing text; some resemble web browser windows. A pink-framed browser-like box with a white background reads “What should academic integrity look like for students at UBCO?” and a black cursor clicks on the words “Let's find out!”. There are squiggly red lines underneath the words academic integrity. A blue-framed box with a white background contains a human figure holding a laptop with a question mark beside their head. The text reads: “What does academic misconduct include? Collaborating on exams meant to be taken individually. Using unauthorized past examination materials. Passing off someone else's work as your own.” A blue and white box containing four smaller boxes in varying shades of blue reads “Cheating is tempting, but you can always: Seek help from a tutor or attend study sessions. Visit office hours and have a professor clarify things for you. Plan ahead! Don’t leave assignments to the last minute. Spend time finding a study strategy that works best for you.” Next to this, a similar window shows an image of a bridge collapsing and reads “What would our world look if every engineer cheated their way to a degree? Or if every media major cheating their way to a degree?” Directly below, a news caster reads from a script, stating, “In other news, Riverdale has been renewed for a 25th season.” A plain white box reads in all capitals “Integrity (and our future) begins with you.” The word “you” is highlighted in blue. Another blue window contains four blue and black icons: a gavel, a human head with cogs, a stack of books, and a podium with three people standing on each level. It reads: “But why should I care about integrity? Getting caught taking part in any academic misconduct could result in a failing grade or expulsion. Your career will require you to truly understand and be competent in your field of study. Cheating is not fair to other students who are putting honest effort into their academics. Holding yourself accountable for your own success will help you became the best version of yourself.”

By Rebecca Chadney, Academic Integrity Digital Poster Contest winner, 2021. Click image to enlarge.

Congratulations winners!

Thank you to everyone who submitted their artwork to the Academic Integrity Digital Poster Contest. We are pleased to announce our winners:

1st place: Rebecca Chadney

2nd place: Ximena Cayo & Nancy Lu (co-authors)

Along with receiving cash prizes, these UBC Okanagan students will have their work featured in a cross-campus campaign to bring awareness to the importance of academic integrity!

Do you have a passing grade in your knowledge of Academic Misconduct?

Make sure that you are aware of these important rules.


Seeking help early and often from UBC authorized services and resources is an honest way to help prevent yourself from feeling that you need to cheat to succeed. Subject tutors, writing and language consultants, and AIM consultants at the Student Learning Hub are available to support you in being an academically honest scholar.

Thank a prof

Has there been a prof who stands out and has had a positive influence in your learning this semester?  Not sure how to thank them?  The Centre for Teaching and Learning invites you to Thank a Prof!  Your nominee will receive a letter of recognition from the Centre for Teaching and Learning.  Your identity as the nominator remains anonymous.