DRC forms

Forms for DRC registered students 

DRC students can find the following forms in the DRC Student Portal: 

  • Agreement for Audio-Recording of Lectures 
  • Alternate Format Request  
  • Captioning and Sign Language Interpreting Request for Coursework 
  • Priority Housing Request for On-Campus Housing 
  • Request DRC support for Academic Concession 
  • Special consideration for Undergraduate Admission (disability-related reasons) 

To access the forms, log into the DRC Student Portal and click on the “Online Forms” icon.  

Access the Student Portal

To make a payment to the DRC, access the online payment portal:

Make a payment to the DRC


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Other Forms 

Verification of Disability Form 

New to the DRC: The DRC requires medical documentation as part of the intake process. You should have the Verification of Disability Form completed by a qualified healthcare professional. You can upload your medical documentation in the ‘Student Files’ module of the DRC Student Portal. 

Verification of Disability Form 

Accessible Parking Request 

Require accessible parking and don’t have a SPARC Pass: Please fill in this form if you have a disability or health condition which limits your mobility. This form can be used for temporary injuries. Detailed information can be found here. 

Accessible Parking Request 

Special consideration for Undergraduate Admissions (disability-related reasons)

Please fill out this form if a disability has impacted your ability to meet the competitive admission requirements of your degree of choice. You do not need to have completed registration with the DRC to submit this form.

Special consideration for undergraduate admissions

Captioning & Interpreting for Events 

ASL interpreting or captioning for campus events: To request these services for an event, faculty/staff should complete the Captioning & Interpreting for Events Request Form or contact accommodations.drc@ubc.ca. 

Captioning & Interpreting for Events 


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When should you use a DRC form

Accessible Parking Requests

Please fill in this form if you have a disability or health condition which limits your mobility, and you require accessible parking. This form can be used for temporary injuries or conditions. You do not need to be registered with the DRC to submit this form. Detailed information about accessible parking may be found here. 

Agreement for Audio-Recording of Lectures

You must complete this form if you have an approved classroom accommodation for “audio-recording of lectures” and wish to use the accommodation. Your Accessibility Advisor will let you know if you need to complete the form. To use this form, you must have completed registration with the DRC. 

Alternate Format Request

Please fill in this form if you require an alternate format for your course materials. Your Accessibility Advisor will provide you with guidance about completing this form. To use this form, you must have completed registration with the DRC. 

Captioning and Sign Language Interpreting Request

Form for coursework/classes 

For coursework/classes fill in the form located in the DRC Student Portal. Fill in this form if you are a student with approved accommodations for captioning or interpreting and you wish to request captioning and/or sign language interpretation for your classes or coursework. Completing this form lets us know which courses you would like to apply your accommodation to so that we can organize the relevant services. 

Form for Events 

For events fill in the form located above. This form is used to request captioning or interpreting for events, when there has been a direct request from a presenter or attendee with this accessibility requirement. For captioning or interpreting for purposes of general accessibility, please contact service providers directly. For more information and support, please email accommodations.drc@ubc.ca 

Please complete one form for each request. Submit requests at least three to four weeks in advance to ensure the availability of interpreters and captioning providers. It may not be possible to accommodate last-minute requests. 

Priority Housing Request for On-Campus Housing

Detailed information about Priority Housing On-Campus may be found here. 

Request DRC support for Academic Concession

Please fill in this form if you wish to request an academic concession from your faculty for a disability or medical-related reason. If your request for academic concession does not relate to your disability, then please contact your faculty directly for academic concession. To use this form, you must have completed registration with the DRC.

Special consideration for Undergraduate Admissions (disability-related reasons)

Please fill out this form if a disability has impacted your ability to meet the competitive admission requirements of your degree of choice. You do not need to have completed registration with the DRC to submit this form. If you do not have a UBC student number and/or a CWL account, please use this form.

Who should apply: 

A student may request Special Consideration for Admissions if they are close to the competitive admission standard, as well as demonstrate a disability-related exceptional circumstance in one or more of the following areas: 

  • Accommodations were not received because the student was not aware of having a disability or the diagnosis did not take place until after the completion of studies. 
  • Lack of accommodation at a previous academic institution when requested by the student despite the provision of appropriate documentation. 
  • Student’s disability was diagnosed mid-studies after which disability-related accommodations resulted in marked improvement in academic standing. 
  • Relapse of the student’s documented disability resulted in academic performance, which did not accurately reflect the student’s academic ability. The duration of relapse was short-term and subsequent improvement in academic performance was evident. 

Who should not apply?

If you have received an offer of admission from UBC, you do not need to complete this process.


  • Submissions should be made no later than the admission deadline. Only completed applications will be reviewed. 

You will need to provide the following: 

  • Medical Documentation
  • Statement of Rationale (your explanation of what happened and why you should be considered, despite not meeting the admissions criteria)
  • Letter from a school official (school principal or counselor or similar) supporting the statement of rationale, if applicable.

Verification of Disability Form

In most cases, this document is critical to register with the DRC. Please have your medical professional fill in this form if you wish to register with the Disability Resource Centre. Some medical conditions/disabilities require other forms, please refer to the DRC’s Medical Documentation Requirements to ensure that you are providing the correct form. Please contact the DRC if you have any questions.


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