Two students sitting in front of a water fountain talking animatedly.

learning strategistS

Your academic responsibilities are complex, so we look at the whole picture and tailor our support to you.

need professional learning support?

Look no further! A Learning Strategist can help you reach your highest potential. Using educational, diagnostic, and interview data to understand you as a learner, a Learning Strategist will guide your individual exploration, encourage positive change to your learning and studying practices, and help you achieve success through enhanced learning support experiences.

The Learning Strategists are available to help any student on campus, but they specialize in providing support for the following groups:

  • Self-identified Indigenous students
  • International students
  • Students athletes
  • Students with disabilities
  • Graduate students
  • Students on academic probation
  • Students returning from failed standing
  • Students who have partaken in academic misconduct

The Learning Strategists are available Monday to Friday from 9 am to 4 pm

To arrange a meeting with a Learning Strategist or refer a student for support, please follow the appropriate instructions below for accessing services for students or services for faculty and staff.


To discuss your current study habits, explore your academic goals, and adjust your approach to learning with practical strategies that are tailored to your goals, book a one-on-one consultation with a Learning Strategist.

Book a one-on-one appointment with a Learning Strategist on QReserve:

  1. Click “Book with the Learning Strategist” below and login with your CWL.
  2. From your “Dashboard” or “Sites,” find the “UBCO – Student Learning Hub” and click.
  3. You can view the schedule for the Learning Strategists on the right side of the page. (If this link does not work for you, use the one above first)


First-time booking an appointment? Learn how to book here.

Appointment format options

Online through Zoom
This is a virtual, scheduled appointment booked through QReserve where you and your strategist will connect online through Zoom.

Hybrid: online or in-person
When a strategist has hybrid next to their name on the QReserve schedule, this means that the strategist is available to support you both online or in-person in the Student Learning Hub. You can select which mode works best for you.


Faculty and staff can see students through a different lens. If you have identified an individual or group of students who might benefit from meeting with a Learning Strategist, submit a referral for support.

The Learning Strategist will review the submission, reach out if more information is needed, and contact the student(s) to arrange a virtual consultation. Working together, the Learning Strategist will support students to understand what they need to do, know the actions necessary to reach their learning goals, and chart their progress along the way.


Additional supports for faculty/staff include:

    • Creating discipline-specific seminars or workshops that address learner needs. The Learning Strategist works with faculty to design discipline-specific seminars that complement students’ instruction.
    • Identifying key strategies that may enhance course learning outcomes. The Learning Strategist works collaboratively with faculty to integrate study skill development into their classes.
    • Partnering with faculty to provide the content and skills students need to develop as lifelong learners. The Learning Strategist can help faculty embed metacognitive strategies into their foundational courses or programs.

First-time booking an appointment?

To book a one-on-one appointment with the Learning Strategist on QReserve:

  1. Go to QReserve and login with your CWL.
  2. Once logged in, complete your profile when prompted.
  3. From your “Dashboard” or “Sites,” find the “UBCO – Student Learning Hub” and click.
  4. Once joined, you’ll be able to view the schedule for The Learning Strategist on the right side of the page.
  5. Choose your preferred day, time, and appointment format by filling out the appointment form, then press Reserve. You will receive an “Approval Pending” email when you request your appointment and a “Request Approved” email once it has been approved.