
You’ve done all the research and are ready to take the plunge. This section will provide you with all the info you need to put together your application.

Application overview

The three-step process to apply:

  1. Double-check that you meet the Go Global eligibility requirements. Whether you choose an exchange, study abroad, summer abroad or research overseas, you must meet all requirements to participate
  2. Identify three partner universities that you would be open to attending and make sure you meet their requirements
  3. Apply to Go Global with your top three partner university choices
    1. As part of your application, submit your Proposed Study Plan and Statement of Interest in our application portal (Gateway)

Online application

Start the application process well in advance of the application deadline, but review the eligibility criteria before starting an application. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

Choosing your Partner Schools

  • Having trouble narrowing down which schools to apply to? Try reviewing some student reports!
    • Learn about other students personal accounts of their experience at partner schools to see if they are a good fit for you.


  • Undergraduate students can start an online application and follow the steps through “Gateway”, our online application program. In Gateway, you’ll be asked to submit a list of supporting documents. If you’ve already started an application through Gateway, you can resume your application from where you left off at any time.
    • Applied Science students should select “-CIE” where available (i.e. University of Glasgow-CIE), otherwise select the “-UniWide” option
  • The Go Global fee can be paid through the Student Service Centre (SSC) for Summer 2024, or through Workday for Winter 20214/25 and beyond. The fee will not be posted until after the Go Global deadline has passed.
  • Complete and submit supporting documents (i.e. Proposed Study Plan – see Supporting Documents page) by the application deadline.

Statement of Interest

Applicants are required to write one statement of interest within the Gateway application. Students are asked to complete a short statement (approx. 450 words) to consider the following questions (there is no particular format required for the statement):

  1. Why do you want to study abroad at the three universities you selected?
  2. How might this program contribute to your personal, academic and career goals?
  3. How might this experience contribute to your understanding of global issues at a local and global level?


Applications to Go Global are currently closed. Round 1 applications for the 2025-26 Academic Year will open in early-October, 2024.

application GUIDE

The above video is part of our Go Global 101 series.

Application deadlines

For studies in the 2024-25 academic year

Application Status – CLOSED

Applications to Go Global are currently closed.


Go Global has two deadlines each year for Winter Session programs:

Round 1: December 13, 2023 @ 11:59pm – this deadline has passed

  • Round 1 applications allow for Term 1, Term 2, Full Year, and Split Year* applications
  • All of our partner schools are available during this round

Round 2: May 7, 2024 @ 11:59pm – this deadline has passed

  • Round 2 applications only allow for Term 2 and Split Year* applications
  • Only those partner schools that did not fill during Round 1 are available
  • The list of partner schools available for this round are posted to our Exchange page by early March each year

*Split Year dates are approximately February – November (Term 2 of one winter session, Term 1 of the next)

Go Global fee

The Go Global Fee will be posted to the Student Service Centre (SSC) for summer 2024, or Workday for Winter 2024/25 after the application deadline and will be posted to your tuition account 1-2 weeks after the application deadline has passed and will be due by the 7th of the following month (e.g. fee posted December 16th, due January 7th). You will be contacted by Go Global once the fee has been posted to your SSC or Workday, provided with the fee deadline, and prompted to make the payment. Payment of this fee is made through the SSC or Workday. Once your fee is posted to the SSC or Workday account the methods available to make payment are the same as for your normal tuition payments.

The Go Global Fee is:

  • $415.00 for applications submitted on or before August 31, 2024
  • $423.25 for applications submitted on or after September 1, 2024

Please ensure you review our Refund & Withdrawal policies.

Supporting documents

Use the documents below to complete an online application to the Go Global exchange program.

Primary Supporting Documents


Go Global Proposed Study Plan Required for all students, except those applying to a CIE option for Applied Science
CIE Study Plan Template (PDF) Applied Science Students Applied Science students whose top choice is a CIE experience (Coordinated International Experience) must complete this document for your first choice signed by the appropriate advisor in APSC.
Interim grade form (PDF) Students currently taking full-year courses at UBC Full-year courses are 6-credit courses running September to April.
Language proficiency assessment (PDF) Students planning to take any courses taught in a foreign language at the partner university (excluding language courses).
Online Chinese placement exam Students doing coursework in any Chinese dialect for UBC CHIN transfer credit.
Graduate Student Authorization Form (doc) Graduate students Graduate students must have the support of their graduate program advisor and their supervisor.

Other Helpful Documents

Application Checklist (doc) Optional, only for student references
Budget worksheet (xlsx) Optional, but recommended for all students
Go Global timeline (PDF) For reference only, for all students An outline of when important dates for all Go Global programs fall within the academic year.
Cheque forwarding request form (PDF) Some students Enable awards and other funds to be forwarded to the address listed in the SISC while you are studying off campus.
Third-party pick-up form (PDF) Some students Enables a third party to pick up documents at UBC on your behalf.

After you apply

After you submit your application to Go Global by the relevant deadline, the following steps will occur:

  • The Go Global fee will be posted to your UBC tuition account with a week after the application deadline has passed
  • Go Global will review your application to ensure you meet eligibility criteria for our program and partner school requirements
  • Go Global will seek endorsement from your UBC Faculty for participation in Go Global
  • Your application will be reviewed and, where necessary for our competitive partner school options, score your application based on a combination of your academic performance, statement of interest, and the academic suitability of the partner school(s) you have applied for
  • We will send you result of your application approximately 6 weeks after the application deadline