Friendship, loneliness, and Wicked: Find your perfect community in university
With the Oscars flooding my search history, I would like to chime in and say the 2x Oscar-winning film Wicked is more than just a movie—it’s a life-altering masterpiece (my opinion). And let it be known that this film is rich with themes of race, political unrest, and identity… But today, we’re going to keep […]
How to heal your seasonal depression: Listening to happy music literally rewires your brain chemistry
You know what they say: being a student in November is one of the greatest tests on this God-given earth. The maybe five hours of sunlight we get during the day are not helping the seasonal depression—it’s alive and well. Usually, around this time, I like to really delve into the feeling and just let […]
5 Short n’ Sweet tips for a stellar end of semester
Hey y’all. As we get nearer to the end of semester and finals are starting to creep up on us, it’s getting harder and harder to stay afloat. Or at least I’ve definitely been feeling like I’m sinking. But alas! Worry not friends! The semester is not over yet and we still have time to […]
How to have a personality outside of being a student: a self-guided study
In between finishing an assignment and starting the next research paper, do you ever feel like you just miss yourself? Like… who are we anymore outside of being a student? I feel like I’m going through this right now too, so let’s figure this out together.
How to get out of a slump
Finals season is here and naturally every person I have spoken to in the last couple of weeks has commented on how tired they are. The burn-out is so real and the to-do list never seems to end. These are some tried and true ways to help make it through to the end of the term.
Music to help you destress during finals
Music is always something that has helped me get through hard times. I’ve compiled a list of songs that help me relieve anxiety, destress, and unwind when it all gets a bit much.
Business spotlight: Grey Hearts Denim
For them, it’s important to ensure that you have a quality piece that fits you well and will last you a lifetime—a piece you can pass down to your kids. With Sean and Paul’s expertise, attention to detail, and care, that’s exactly what you get at Grey Hearts—an opportunity to buy the right piece the first time.
UBC: A place of mind… and soul?
We flourish as people and communities when we care for our minds, bodies, and spirits. UBC recognizes this by providing support and resources to students who wish to practice and develop their faith and spirituality.