5 Short n’ Sweet tips for a stellar end of semester
Hey y’all. As we get nearer to the end of semester and finals are starting to creep up on us, it’s getting harder and harder to stay afloat. Or at least I’ve definitely been feeling like I’m sinking. But alas! Worry not friends! The semester is not over yet and we still have time to […]
What is the perfect student job for me?
On-campus jobs are a fantastic way to get a taste of a real workplace with all the comforts of being a student. Having worked in many different roles at UBCO, I have compiled the cheat code to help you figure out what your on-campus role could be your best fit.
Confessions of a former unemployee
The faster you realize you are unemployable, the quicker you can make yourself employable.
What to do, where to go
Some people come into university knowing exactly what they’re going to do with their lives. I relate more with everyone who has come into university with a murkier vision of their final destination. Most of us are looking to better educate ourselves and find out what our future lives as professionals could look like. With this said, I personally have some strategies that I think can help me and many others to at least start the process of “figuring it out”.
Planning your next steps with Careers
Anyone else is worried about hitting the job market after grad? Lucky for us, UBCO has great Career Services to help make this process easier. Let’s take advantage while we still can, people!
Considering grad school? Here’s what you should know
If your graduation date is coming up soon, you’ve probably given a thought or two to grad school and whether it’s the right choice for you. If you’re feeling unsure, we’ve got a few tips to help you choose your next adventure after grad. Why attend grad school? If you love learning, grad school might be […]
Co-op: how to hack your degree
Clear up some common concerns and learn what you can actually expect from the co-op program — all from the perspective of a student who’s experienced it.
Tips for maximizing your virtual job search
Looking for a new job online? UBC Okanagan career advisors share some great tips to make the most of your virtual job search.
5 tips for mastering online interviews
UBC Okanagan career advisors have some tips on how to master online etiquette and make sure your online interview is a success.