Tips to recharge for the new term
As another academic term begins, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and swamped. The new term can be a great opportunity to start afresh on a positive note. To make the most of the upcoming term, here are five tips to help you get started.
Make friends with homesickness: Navigating loneliness as a new adult in university
An easy way you can combat the feeling of being disconnected is by finding new ways to reconnect. On that journey, you can also find your own version of home and create new traditions, recipes, and games that can be yours for all the years to come. Homesickness is not a bad thing at all. In fact, once you figure out how to become friends with your homesickness, you are in for a wonderful journey of self-discovery. Here are some tips that you can use to navigate homesickness.
How to: Maintain LDR friendships
The start of a new school year can mean new friends, but it also might mean leaving some old ones behind. Whether you’re maintaining your friendships you’ve made from school or from home, here are some ways my friends and I have come up with to keep these good vibes going.
Nine places to go in Kelowna
If you’re thinking “ugh, I’m bored, where can I go to in Kelowna this summer?” then keep reading! I took it upon myself to try to cure our collective boredom and explore and document fun places in this beautiful town to share with you all, you’re welcome (wink). Let’s get started, shall we? PS: This […]
Confessions of a course-hopper
I have quite literally followed my interests from classroom to classroom. What I’ve found is that course-hopping my way through university is how I can make the most of my degree.
A message to all of us, especially my Asian and Pacific Islander friends
I wanted to do something meaningful for Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. I feel a slight push to learn more and seek that celebration, connection, and community in small ways to further some kind of deeper understanding. Come with me as I share my reflections on this month and what it means to me.
Confessions of a TBD major
Picking courses and electives and fulfilling requirements, especially in the junior years, with no previous experience, can be very challenging. Lucky for you, the confessions series is here to rescue you!
Music to help you destress during finals
Music is always something that has helped me get through hard times. I’ve compiled a list of songs that help me relieve anxiety, destress, and unwind when it all gets a bit much.