How to get up for 8 am classes without crying (maybe)
I’m not a morning person—I hate everything about mornings. But ever since I arrived at university, I’ve always had at least one course with an 8 am class. Despite my best efforts, I just can’t avoid them. Last semester, I had five courses (COSC, CHEM, BIO, SOCI, ENGL, and three labs). It’s a struggle every […]
The 2025 UBCO Grad Bucket List
Okay, here’s the thing; I’m graduating next summer, and I can’t be the only one feeling like I haven’t fully accomplished everything I should’ve before leaving this campus. Lately, I can’t help but think of the last 4 years I’ve spent here. Was my time spent wisely? Should I have gotten out more? These thoughts […]
Confessions of a TBD major
Picking courses and electives and fulfilling requirements, especially in the junior years, with no previous experience, can be very challenging. Lucky for you, the confessions series is here to rescue you!
Music to help you destress during finals
Music is always something that has helped me get through hard times. I’ve compiled a list of songs that help me relieve anxiety, destress, and unwind when it all gets a bit much.
Confessions of a former unemployee
The faster you realize you are unemployable, the quicker you can make yourself employable.
Business spotlight: Grey Hearts Denim
For them, it’s important to ensure that you have a quality piece that fits you well and will last you a lifetime—a piece you can pass down to your kids. With Sean and Paul’s expertise, attention to detail, and care, that’s exactly what you get at Grey Hearts—an opportunity to buy the right piece the first time.
UBC: A place of mind… and soul?
We flourish as people and communities when we care for our minds, bodies, and spirits. UBC recognizes this by providing support and resources to students who wish to practice and develop their faith and spirituality.
Business spotlight: This Space Belongs To You
“I wish that queer and IBPOC business owners knew that they can do it too. The system tells us that we can’t and continues to push against us, but we are capable of being in leadership roles. We are capable of building services and businesses and empires in this community.”
Seven things to do in Kelowna over Reading Week (on a budget)
If you’re staying in Kelowna for reading week, worry not. There’s so much to do in this beautiful city, even if you’re on a budget (like me).