How to make the most of your Midterm Break
I don’t know about you, but I always find myself falling to extremes during Reading Week. Either I burn myself out trying to catch up and get ahead on my work, or I procrastinate under the guise of “taking a break,” end up getting no work done and then scrambling for the next couple weeks. […]
The essential grad checklist
Please note: This submission was written before UBC switched to Workday. View step-by-step instructions on applying for graduation in Workday at Graduating soon and not sure what you need to do before that fated convocation day? As someone who is graduating this April, I’ve researched dates and deadlines for your application (yes, you need […]
Black History in Canada
When we learn about Black History we usually learn about American icons like Rosa Parks, Henrietta Tubman, and Martin Luther King, but we rarely learn about influential Black Canadians. Here’s a list of seven awesome Black Canadians that deserve some love this Black History Month. Political figures Leonard Braithwaite He was the first Black Canadian […]
How to not skip 8 am classes (even when it’s the middle of winter)
8 am classes can be the bane of a uni student’s existence, especially in the darker months. As much as we may dread them, sometimes they’re a necessary evil, so we’re sharing some tips to not skip them. Sleepy as we may be, let’s get at it. Get your sleep schedule right Now hear me […]
Redecorating mid-semester
It’s way too easy to feel blah during the winter months—cold weather, cloudy days, nightfall at 4 pm. One of my favourite ways to chase away the winter blues is to update my living space. It always feels like an accomplishment to add some aesthetic touches to my room (and it motivates me to tidy […]
How to make the most of your Canadian winter
Canadian winters can be a defining experience of your university degree at UBCO. Here in Kelowna, we generally have mild winters with temperatures that don’t go below -15°C. That means that for most of the winter, we can enjoy the snow and winter aesthetic without turning into icicles. If you want to fully experience the […]
Local gifts for everyone on your list
I’m a big fan of shopping local for Christmas gifts as much as I can. Local shops and artisans usually have super unique products and they feel extra-special coming from a business in my own community. Whether you’re looking for gifts for your friends, family members, or other special people in your life, you can […]
Surviving exams: expectations vs reality
Exam period can be wild. I don’t know about you guys, but I always start exam period with a healthy dose of good intentions for my study plan and usually end the exam period with very few fulfilled intentions. Is this a good study plan? No. Is it relatable? You tell me. Here are some of […]
Considering grad school? Here’s what you should know
If your graduation date is coming up soon, you’ve probably given a thought or two to grad school and whether it’s the right choice for you. If you’re feeling unsure, we’ve got a few tips to help you choose your next adventure after grad. Why attend grad school? If you love learning, grad school might be […]