5 Short n’ Sweet tips for a stellar end of semester
Hey y’all. As we get nearer to the end of semester and finals are starting to creep up on us, it’s getting harder and harder to stay afloat. Or at least I’ve definitely been feeling like I’m sinking. But alas! Worry not friends! The semester is not over yet and we still have time to […]
How to get out of a slump
Finals season is here and naturally every person I have spoken to in the last couple of weeks has commented on how tired they are. The burn-out is so real and the to-do list never seems to end. These are some tried and true ways to help make it through to the end of the term.
Confessions of a course-hopper
I have quite literally followed my interests from classroom to classroom. What I’ve found is that course-hopping my way through university is how I can make the most of my degree.
Confessions of a TBD major
Picking courses and electives and fulfilling requirements, especially in the junior years, with no previous experience, can be very challenging. Lucky for you, the confessions series is here to rescue you!
Four steps I took to level up my learning in university
One of the best things I did last term was visit a Learning Strategist at the Student Learning Hub to help me devise a plan to exit my flop era and enter my SLAY ERA!
Confessions of a raging bedtime procrastinator
Staying up late to scroll on your phone? Losing sleep? Too many things to do? No time for yourself? This sounds like a classic case of revenge bedtime procrastination.