Maturing is realizing how deeply important it is to nurture friendships throughout your life. I was lucky enough to have a life-changing year for making some of the greatest friends. I’m sure a lot of us can relate, and we have in-person classes to thank, I guess.
So whether you’re maintaining your friendships you’ve made from school or from home, here are some ways my friends and I have come up with to keep these good vibes going:
Setting clear and explicit expectations
This sounds way more serious than it really is. I think it’s all about being intentional and realistic with your communication. It’s so easy to get caught up in our own lives and withdraw a bit from the people we care about. I feel like it’s important to take that into consideration and set realistic expectations for when you set that quality time. And that looks different for everybody!
Maybe you text back and forth every day, or maybe you don’t. Maybe you guys set aside time for a 30-minute call every other week or month even! You get to decide how much time you’re ready to commit, and adjust from there if you need. It’s helpful to communicate those expectations so one party doesn’t feel like there’s unmatched energy being put into the friendship.
Take initiative – call them first!
Okay, sometimes even calling can feel like such a huge commitment. But taking initiative is huge; it shows how much you value the other person. You can take initiative by sending a TikTok or a meme that reminds you of them, or even just a little text saying you’re thinking about them. It seems small, but it’s something that can help you still feel connected.
Be a chronic social media replier!
This may just be me, but I STAY on my story-liking-grind. I love commenting and I love responding to people’s stories (even though they didn’t ask, haha). Again, these small interactions can lead to more connection and involvement in each other’s lives.
Send mail
I don’t know about you, but I find it SO exciting to get something in the mail. Receiving mail seems to be a simple pleasure we don’t get to experience as much nowadays! Kelowna has gift shops with the most beautiful postcards, or you can find a card for less than $1.50 at a dollar store. Sending a sweet little note could make such a difference, reminding your friends you still think of them!
PowerPoint night
Setting up a night and a theme to present to your friends! I’m sure a lot of you have seen this on TikTok, but pull together your group of friends and share some major highlights (or not!). You could do this virtually, or as a way to catch everyone up when you’re finally reunited. Here’s a list of themes you could do:
- Where do you see everyone in 10 years?
- Ranking TV show characters based on how toxic they are
- Shipping the most random celebrities together and having to justify why
Watch a series together
You don’t even have to watch the series synchronously. Just being able to have something in common to touch base on and share opinions and discussion with is huge.
Play multi-player online games
There are so many options for online, multiplayer games! It’s a great way to unwind while still having a sense of togetherness. Some favourites include:
- skribbl
- Minecraft
- Jackbox
Exchange mini vlogs
Keeping your friends involved in your life, despite the distance, creates connection. Even if it’s a haul of what you recently bought from the grocery store or a rant about that person that dumped you last night, it’s nice to be in-the-know with your friends!
Develop an obsession together
This one is a bit of a joke, but not really. My friend Ideja and I have been Swifties for a bit now… But since the start of the year, we have definitely dug a little too deep in Taylor’s lore. I suggest you to do the same – develop an unhinged obsession together – whether it be for a show, a celebrity, a franchise, a historical figure, or even event. It could literally be anything!
All this being said, maintaining friendships really is a two-way street. Sometimes we have to be the ones showing our friends understanding, or other times we might have to be the ones to ask for it. So, to sum it up: distance might put miles between you, but it can’t put a dent in your friendship. Keep chatting and keep sharing through the long-distance game!
Mia Mendoza is a transfer student in her first year of the Media Studies program and loves telling stories. She really enjoys personality tests, anything to do with pop culture, and trying new foods! Her favourite thing to do in Kelowna is taking long walks on the beach and buying overpriced coffee <3