Tuum Est Student Initiative Fund

Tuum Est—it is yours.

The Tuum Est Student Initiative Fund has been established by the Associate Vice President, Students portfolio at UBC’s Okanagan campus to provide financial support for student initiatives, conferences, and competitions. The purpose of this fund is to bring your initiatives to life.

Types of funding

There are many sources of funding available to students at UBCO. Before applying to the Tuum Est Student Initiative Fund, be sure to review all types of funding to determine which one(s) you are eligible for.

Other sources of funding

Conferences & Professional Development

Funding to attend an academic or professional conference or professional development activity within Canada or the United States. The maximum funding for a conference or professional development activity is $500. Typically, successful applications will receive $200 – $300 in funding.

Student-led initiatives

Funding to bring new events, programs, services, or other unique student ideas to life. Initiatives should be a unique offering (not a duplicate of a current service or program) that is local to the Okanagan campus and/or the greater Okanagan community. The maximum funding for an initiative is $3,500.

Student competitions

Funding for a team of students representing UBC Okanagan at an academic competition within Canada or the United States. The maximum funding for a competition is $3,500.

Application deadlines

  • Applications are due Sunday, September 22, 11:59 pm PT.
    will be distributed by Friday, October 4. 
  • Applications are due Sunday, October 20, 11:59 pm PT.
    Decisions will be distributed by Friday, November 1
  • Applications are due Sunday, November 17, 11:59 pm PT.
    Decisions will be distributed by Friday, November 29.
  • Applications are due Sunday, January 19, 11:59 pm PT.
    Decisions will be distributed by Friday, January 31.
  • Applications are due Sunday, February 16, 11:59 pm PT.
    Decisions will be distributed by Friday, February 28.

To begin your application, please contact the Tuum Est Student Initiative Fund Program Assistant at tesif.ok@ubc.ca

Contact us

For any questions about the Tuum Est Student Initiative Fund, contact us.

Tuum Est Student Initiative Fund Program Assistant
Email: tesif.ok@ubc.ca

Office hours | Student Connect – UNC 206

  • Thursdays – 8:30am – 12:30pm
  • Virtual office hours – by appointment

Email tesif.ok@ubc.ca to book your in-person or virtual appointment.

Volunteer with us

Are you a staff member, faculty member, undergraduate or graduate student interested in getting involved with the Tuum Est Student Initiative Fund? Join us as an Initiative Mentor. Contact us to volunteer.

Initiative Mentor

Initiative Mentors are UBC staff, faculty, or graduate students who would like to support the undergraduate applicants in the development of their initiative. Initiative Mentors will be responsible for helping their applicants develop initiative ideas, build reasonable and sound budgets, and provide insights into initiative implementation. Initiative Mentors will provide guidance, leadership, and support to their applicants to help them reach success.