Logging into Workday

Important information about Workday 

As of May 21, 2024, UBC Okanagan students can use the Workday student information system to access student records, including the following:

  • Course schedule and registration 
  • Grades 
  • Awards 
  • Tuition summary and payment 
  • Exam schedule 
  • Transcripts 
  • Transfer credits 
  • Your personal and contact information

UBC applicants or alumni 

If you’re an undergraduate applicant who has just applied to UBC, please log into the Applicant Service Centre instead to access your application status and information. 

Workday is not available to UBC alumni. If you’re looking to order a transcript or replacement document, please follow the instructions online. 

How to login to Workday 

Log in to Workday at myworkday.ubc.ca with your Campus-wide Login (CWL).  

If you are an undergraduate student who does not have a Student CWL, you can create one after accepting your offer and receiving a student number. You can set up a Student CWL through UBC IT.

If you are a graduate student, you will login to Workday using the same Student CWL that you used to apply to your UBC graduate program.

If you do not have Multi-factor Authentication set up, follow the instructions online, then log into Workday.

How to change or reset your CWL password 

You can change your CWL password after logging in to your Campus-Wide Login (CWL) myAccount. You can also reset your CWL password if needed through the website.  

Commonly encountered problems 

If you forgot your student number or CWL username 

Your UBCcard has your student number printed on it, which is an 8-digit number. If you’ve lost your UBCcard, you can request a new card. 

If you forgot your CWL username, you can start the account recovery process or contact UBCO IT.