Awards, loans, and tuition

How will tuition be impacted?

UBC’s commitment to providing quality learning experiences and services has not changed as we adapt to current circumstances and offer new modalities of delivery to keep you, your fellow students, faculty, and staff safe during COVID-19. Given this and the commitment to increased student financial assistance, tuition rates will be assessed as approved by the Board of Governors in April 2021.

Tuition is vital to maintaining the academic continuity and operations of UBC and providing the range of supports students require now and when we are able to transition to more in-person learning.

Can I defer tuition payment until a later point?

Visit the Academic Calendar for details.

What financial assistance (scholarships, bursaries) is available for students due to COVID related issues?

UBC has increased funding to the university’s financial assistance programs to support students.

You may also explore UBC’s policy on financial support.